
Monday 29 November 2010

Friday 26th - The shoot

Tyrone capturing a shot of the changing traffic lights whilst Mustafa is holding the tree branches out of sight (left),

On Friday, as scheduled, we re-shot the Skate Park scene and shot the White Room scene. When shooting the skate park scene again, things went pretty much according to plan. We did not manage to get shots of skaters though because the skate park was deserted. One problem that we did have to deal with was the sun, the sun was very bright so we tried to block it out with an umberella, this didn't work so we went away and shoot something else and when the sun went down we re-shoot it. However, when setting up the White Room with the instruments and cameras, we decided the room wasn't as we'd expected. The marks on the walls showed up on the camera and the lights didn't help in making the room look clean white. All the same, we managed to find an instant alternative. The Great Hall which has a white wall, this was available although we had to wait for a while. We then transported all of our props and filming equipment and set up the location. During the setting up of location we found extra stage lighting which we decided to set up, although this did cause some problems as at some angles it left a shadow, we then tried turning some of the lights down and finally got the lighting how we wanted it. We decided to set up a camera which had all the instruments in shoot, and another camera which was used to get angled shoots and close up shots. If we was filming for a real music I realise that we would probably do the establishing shoots first where his playing all the instruments , we would then keep one instrument in shoot and take the others out, this would mean only one instrument was in shoot at a time.

Monday 22 November 2010

Todays Progress

Today we completed our shooting schedules, and have decided on the following dates to film:

We are re-shooting the Skate Park shots on Friday the 26th November from 11-1pm

We have also discussed filming the scenes in the White Room on the same day (from 1.30 - 4pm). However, this is yet to be confirmed as we could not reach Miss Cervi who is responsible for the Performing Arts room. As she was unavailable, we, as a group constructed a memo which we will leave in her pigeon hole (and Mr Holders for musical instruments). Here is a print screen image of the actual memo. We are anticipating a response by Wednesday.
We have discussed the props we will need for the shoot. This includes two lights for the white room (to try and overcome the issue of the room not being clean white) and two cameras to enable us to get shots from various angles. If our proposal is accepted, our singer Mustafa will wear different costumes for both locations. We will also borrow a drum kit, microphone and stand, guitar and guitar base for this scene.
For our second attempt of shooting, we require a spray paint to paint 'Brad Sucks'.
The Sky Divers Production Team

Friday 19 November 2010

Image construction.


I was able to find a pair of lovely converses from a friend at college and he was willing to lend it to me while we shot our video.

On the same day i went to my local Topman and found a pair of skinny jeans, when we got some feedback from the other media group they identified our character as young ,w
hite and a typical Topman customer. So i am trying to make it my goal to become a generic "Topman shopping student???"

Ms.Pollard also lent us some beads to wear and we are also hoping to get a t shrit similar to this so it will match the beads.

Monday 15 November 2010


During today's lesson we went out locally to get some footage using the ideas we have. As we have planned to have a park as one location, we used to park in front of the 6th form to create some effects. We then edited it to create the fast cuts. We thought it was good and suited the song in terms of genre, particularly the end of the song where the pace picks up. We may use this effect, but to improve it we will cut it more carefully according to the rhythm.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Props for our music video

For our music video where going to need a variety of props to make it work. For the skate park scene which we are going to re-shoot were going to need a spray can, this is so we can write on "Brad Sucks - Making me nervous". For the scene which we are going to shoot in the white room we will need two big lights, Base guitar, Drum kit,keyboard, microphone and a microphone stand.


This is our first Location Mile End Skate Park(pictured right), where we have already ready filmed parts of our music video. The reason why we choose this as one of our locations is because it fits with the genre which we are song is part, and this is what we know our target audience expects to see.

This is a potential location for our music video, we want to use this room because of the plain walls so we can use it for a nice clean backdrop but after seeing the room today, the room isn't as clean as we first thought, but the room does offer a lot of closed space to bring in instruments such as a nice big drum kit for the opening scene.

We also plan on using an open roof top to record some shoots.

Skate park re-shoot

We plan to re-shoot the skate park scenes on Friday 26th of November. The reason why we have chosen to do this is because I made a mistake when filming. when i looked back at the footage, I realised I moved the camera when Mustafa moved,this was not the correct thing to do as when we come to edit the footage, we will not be able to use elliptical editing, which is a key part of our video. Another reason why we have chosen to re-shoot is because when I looked at the footage we missed a lot of opportunities which would make the video look better. Such as underneath where Mustafa was standing there was Graffiti that says "love sucks" when we re shoot were going to write brad sucks which is the name of our artists. Another one was when we filmed people skating around in the bowl there was a chair in the middle, we realised we could have put our artists on the chair and allow them to skate around, when it comes to editing we will speed it up and it will look very good.

Friday 12 November 2010


This is our animatic, these are just some of the shoots which we plan to use in our music video. As said in the post above some of the shoots which we have already shoot will be re-shoot. This animatic is going to help us with planning as on the day of ur shoots we wont be guessing on which shoots to shoot.

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Ancillary task research

When researching the album covers for poprock/indie artists, these are the ones I found. Although these vary in appearance, they share common characteristics. Some use graphic effects to create a funky look while the content of the other abums covers is more funky e.g variety of buttons on Josh Pykes album. They all use vivid colours.

Storyboard part 1

Here are some images of our storyboard. We have not yet completed it but these are some of the ideas we have had for the beginning of the music video.